Wednesday 30 March 2011


air mata murah betul malam ni..
macam biasa
kalau sedih
mesti call Ayah..tak boleh call Mak nanti tak boleh control emotion langsung
Ayah akan console..verbally je lah sebab jauh kan?
Ayah akan ajar handle problem dengan cara 'selamba'..
Ayah memang one in a million....

lepas call Ayah
call Wirdah pulak
sebab memang tak tahan and she's my natural crying shoulder
macam biasa..Wir akan suruh lepas semua, makan chocolate then tidur..
buat lawak walaupun kadang2 involuntary..she always makes me laugh again after sobbing.. :')
thanks Wir..aku sayang ko tau??

feel like hugging a baby right now..

"Only in the face of a child you can see peace, innocence, love and contentment.."

her tummy!!!!

no worries..

and purity....

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