Monday, 30 December 2013

Lovely Turkish Ladies

We are currently in Berlin city. There is a lot of Muslims in Berlin and most of them are Turkish. Later this evening we walked from Siegessäule (Victory Column) to the famous Brandenburger Tor (Brandenburg Gate). The road is closed for vehicles as they are preparing the street for New Year's Eve celebration, and many stalls were put up; mostly selling food, candies, games and whatnot.
We then saw a food stall with four ladies in hijab cooking inside. We  were so excited to see a halal food stall and we really wanted to try the food sold which seem like a German-Turkish food I don't really recall the name (it was quite long and tricky teehee).

They were two old ladies and two young ladies inside. The elders were cooking and the yongsters were more to entertain and serve the customers. Only one of them can speak a little English; the young and most beautiful one. So she was the one who explained us what their food basically are.
Suddenly the elders speak something to that young beautiful English speaker sister, something we could not understand (obviously) and they were pointing at me. And I was just being me, being all blurred and confused. Hahaa.

Her: Where are you from?
Us: Malaysia. Errr, Malizi (Malaysia in Arabic).
Them: MasyaAllah MasyaAllah. Eyes eyes.
Her: They said your eyes are so beautiful. So nice. MasyaAllah.
Me: Ohh. Urmm. Ohh. Err thank you. *insert awkwardness here*
Us: These are just contact lenses.
Me: These are basically not my real eyes. Hehe.
Her: Contact lenses? Really?

The elders didn't believe me. They even come closer to look directly into my eyes. Hahahaha. I had to held my eyes wide open for a few seconds until they take my words. Still, they went "MasyaAllah MasyaAllah".

They were like so amazed and amused with my 'eyes' which I have grey contacts on at this moment. And inside I was taking to myself,
"Aiyoo Auntie aiyoo Kakak, you are so much much much more beautiful than me lah. Your eyes your eyebrows your nose your tudung your face your make up your everything. DON'T YOU REALIZE YOU ARE FAR MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN ME?"
No joke. These lovely Turkish ladies are far prettier than me. Even the elders, they look beautiful. I hope these Turkish and Arab ladies aware that they were blessed with beautiful figures. :)

Ps: Something we noticed about these Turkish people, they use "MasyaAllah" very regularly. Like they ask one question, you answer, and they went all "MasyaAllah" with your reply. Which I think is something good. It somehow alarms me that I need to zikir and remember Allah more often. :)

My attempt to wear a scarf "Turkish style" *wink*

Saturday, 21 December 2013

The Perks of Being a Female

What I hate most; PMS-ing. I know the time of the month is coming anytime soon. Because right now I'm feeling constantly hungry, sleepy, moody, needy, emotional, and the list goes on.

All I wanna do is just roll myself in a duvet and somebody will come and spoon me and cuddle me. And tell me they love me. And play with my hair and smile sheepishly at me because I'll be crying un-alarmed-ly with silly reasons and I'll look silly doing so, but we just don't care anymore because I'm PMS-ing.

I'm missing everybody I love. Especially the ones at home. (Home is where the heart is.)

P/s : in the midst of Our Little Jaulah, current location; Munich, Germany.
Missing Salzburg already. (Picture by NisaNusi)

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

It's Winter Break!

Now that the winter exam (or it says Christmas exam on my MCQ paper, yeahh that's the spirit baby) is over, it's time for WINTER TRIP!!!!! Say whaaaattttt....! :D
Moga selamat semuanya moga diredhai tujuannya moga dipermudahkan perjalanannya. Amin. :)
Happy holiday!
P/s: the only reason I love Christmas is because of the long holiday season. Heee ;)

Here's a picture of me sitting by a Christmas tree during my brunch with Hanis Faiqah on one fine Tuesday morning before leaving for the winter trip.   :)

Saturday, 23 November 2013

What A Woman Is

P/s: I wanna watch Frozen so dang much! Jom? :D

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Set your goal. Aim for it. Focus.
You can see the road in front of you.Yes it seems so long, yet it is straight too, don't you see?
Like it is destined for you, only you.

So drop everything else and make your move.
Focus focus focus.
Like the hare; he will never lose to the tortoise if he stay focus and not distracted by the carrots in the middle of his journey.
So let's be the not-easily-distracted hare, win the game, and we'll be enjoying the carrots at The End banner.

Focus Haha, focus!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Just Because

Every days and every nights I look out of my window and see countless of things that I should be thankful of.
One month and counting.

Monday, 21 October 2013

I'm A Woman And I'm Being One


People say women are complicated. It is true, I must say. I can't even understand myself, sometimes (referring to previous posts LOL). Haha. I just got back from Castlebar, stay rumah final meds for two nights. Godek-godek book shelf Kak Amal (she has A LOT of books yayy. Haha.) and I stumbled upon this book; "Why Men Marry Bitches". Hmmm interesting! I've heard about it before so it must be quite popular hehe. 

Read a few pages and then I said to myself "Must find this book someday kat mana-mana charity shop". Oh sekarang suka beli buku kat charity shop sebab
1) Obviously murah sangat. I can get any book I want (if I am lucky enough) from as low as 1 Euro (equals to MYR 4.33, yes I googled it)
2) Although the books are not new, sometimes I love an old version of a book, maybe a 1950 copy. It smells so good and nostalgic. :)
3) I believe that every books has their own 'story'. Not the story it tells but the story it holds. Once I bought a book that was read by a lady who has been bedridden for months due to an illness, so she spent all her time in hospital reading that book. It is interesting, don't you think? :)

Okay okay back to the picture. So I've been wanting to read this book. But it does not necessarily means that I'm being one, right? You know, bitches. Haha. Honestly I don't want to be a bitch, I mean, nobody does, am I right? :) I've heard that this book teaches women to be maybe a bit 'arrogant' (not in a bad way lah), play hard to get, not being passive and 'easy' to guys, stuffs like those. Maybe. I don't know. Guess I have to read it first to review. :)

So, are women complicated? Hlovate once quoted
"There is something far more complicated that E = mc2. It is called emotion."

True. I would like to rephrase. Emotional women are complicated. Women are already complicated in their normal form. Tapi mungkin dah fitrah, perempuan ni jenis yang banyak fikir, banyak risau, banyak tekanan. Guys will be like "Ek eleh, relax lah.". Maybe you guys can try being in our shoes (or stilettos :P). So a woman who is emotional is far more complicated. Guys, beware and be ready. Haha.

Ehem. So I've been acting like a woman A LOT lately (oh wait, I really am a woman haha). Sorry if I ever annoyed you with my "ladylike-acts-and-qualities". I am just being a woman. Sorry that I am not sorry. ;)
Love, Hanis Hafizah

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Whatever dude.
I don't give a damn anymore.
Aku dah malas nak kisah.
Kejap ada kejap tak ada.
Suka hati kau lah.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

To Every Things, There Is A Season.

That's what said on the rock, written in Gaelic.

That makes me thinking; will I ever feel the same thing I am feeling right now? Will everything that happens at this moment last, be it good or bad, happy or sad?

I am sitting here on the bench at the University Memorial Garden (in memory of all staff and students who have died), it's always a good place to be with my own self and think.

Apart from Allah, I am the only one who knows best about myself. What I've said, acted, appeared, wrote, posted, tweeted, were things that I chose to show you. What I showed you might be very superficial to what actually happened, and it might be a lie. Maybe I lied to you about everything. And maybe I lied to myself as well!

Whatever dude. That's life. It.....happens. 

To every things, there is a season.

Eid Mubarak From Galway!

Alhamdulillah. It's Eid again. My third raya in Galway, my second Eid Al-Adha. But didn't manage to perform solat sunat hari raya with the others this time round, because I have a morning class. Raya dalam lecture theater pon boleh. Haha T_____T 

One of the pictures is from the last night's event; Galway Bertakbir (pandai-pandai bagi nama hahah). And the other one is a (not-so) quick selfie I managed to snap after class today. I knew this Miss Selfridge' s floral dress will come in handy when I 'ran out' of baju kurung. Lol. So I just style it with a dark blue cardigan I got from Penneys, a turquoise pasmina, a Dorothy Perkin's headband for a 'princess-ey' effect (muehehe), my lovable pair of studded ankle boots and voilà, lari pergi class. Haha! Mood nak cantik-cantik masa hari raya mesti kena ada. Hiks.

Ps: Class ends at 6pm. And not a single raya food is eaten (yet) today. Bertabahlah duhai Anis Apizah!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Girls We Just Wanna Have Fun

My girls from Cork are here! (And Nana Loly too!) And as always, they bring sunshine and laughter together all the way from wherever they came from. And I just wanna cherish this moment. Enjoying every second of their presence. All eleven of us cramped our butts in the Ardroe House but who cares? We just love to cuddle. Teehee. Gonna miss them real soon, big time. :')

Thursday, 10 October 2013

You Are Loved

You are actually loved.

Somewhere in this world, there must be, must be, somebody who loves you endlessly, unconditionally, who loves you in any matter. Who will love you regardless of your grade, your look, or your weight. Who loves you the way you are. There must be somebody. It can be your parents, your friends, or somebody who can see the world in your eyes.

It is either they love you with you knowing, or without.

Just, keep on believing. There must be somebody. They are special. Cherish them.
And you are special to them. You are loved.

Calton Hill, Edinburgh. Winter2012

#nowplaying Everybody by Ingrid Michaelson

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Be My Wonderwall?

20131005/20131006. A clashing between these two. Blame the distance and time difference. Date doesn't matter anyway. I believe it started looooooong time before, I don't even remember when. Some people says, "When you know, you know."
P/s: Lets just keep the corny cheesy stuffs to ourselves. *wink*

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I
Would like to say to you but I don't know how
Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my wonderwall

So I was asked; What does "be my worderwall" means? To be honest, I was not sure my self. One thing for sure, I love the song Wonderwall by Oasis. I looked up for the meaning, it was all confusing I decided to give up. Haha.

I looked up for the meaning again today and these are what I got:

1. Some one who you find yourself thinking about all the time, the person who you are completely infatuated with. The one that you look for on your buddylist everytime you sign online. The one who has a heart next to their name in your phone book. The person that you find yourself completely head over heals for. - Aimee Lynne, Urban Dictionary
Oh my god. Cut the cheese please. Too much jiwangness to handle. Eh? Ehem. *cough cough*

2. Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me. And after all, you're my wonderwall. (You've always been there for me holding me up while I have been so sick). 
This is an interpretation of a wife, her husband died of brain tumor, and the song was his favorite. Don't cry Hanis Hafizah.

3. Anything that makes you happy or brightens your day. From the smallest thing to someone who means a lot to you. - Noel Gallagher
It is simpler this way, I'd say.

So what does "be my wonderwall" means to me?
Frankly I don't know how put it into words. Protector? Yes, you can also put it that way. One thing for sure, Wonderwall is Special. Just like my rainbows. :)
Gosh, I am never good with words! Sorry that I am a hopeless and helpless romantic? Ohmy, I'm so awkward.
Double rainbow and the happiest of me.

Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
-John Denver-

Let's pray for the best?

Hanis Hafizah


Hey peeps. It's me again. Yup. Boring. Decided to go plain jane this time. My time for oh-so-fancy-so-girly blog is over now. I'm blaming the old age. Haha.

Nobody cares anyway. LOL.

I always have this conflict with myself; to delete the blog or to keep on ranting. The first option is so tempting tho, provided people are forgetting blogger now. Meanwhile the latter, naaahhh I don't have that much time to blog.

But I really don't want to delete Blast and Blush. "Dear blog, you were special that one time in my life." Moreover, I would love to look back and see how IMMATURE I was hahahaha.

And ohh, it is now autumn in Galway. And nope, everything has not change to yellow yet. It's getting colder though. :)

The picture of Yatt and I, taken at Eyre Square by the end of summer 2013.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Our Journey to Home Starts Here! :)

Writing at the departure gates, Dublin Airport. :)

Spending less than 24 hours in Dublin City, met a lot of lovely and helpful people though. But urrmmm, people here are just a little tiny mini micro bit less friendly than people I met in Galway, as maybe, because it's a bit busier here in Dublin (Galway ftw :P). But still, we feel so blessed to meet new kind of people, with new kind of kindness (four hopeless girls traveling with eight luggage sounds hectic you know *wink*) . :)

Thank you Dublin. May He eases our journey. Bismillah.

Friday, 26 April 2013

99 Balloons

Watched this a few times before. Happened to watch it again tonight and me being the typical me, shedding tears every single time. :'(
 Parent's love, is the most fascinating thing in the world.
And to build strength out of it, you need proper faith and guidance from Him.
You know what is my jargon for strong parents? Strong parents are the ones that can still smile in front of other people and only cry when they are all alone.
And when they cry, they cry with Him. 

And talking about strength, I think I am not strong enough in term of losing. It is easier for me to leave rather than being left. Selfish much? Yes I am aware. But I know it will hurt so much I dont think I can bear with the pain.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

The Most Embarrassing Scene of The Day

First of all, wait. Inhale. Exhale.
Malu lagi ni bila fikir balik.


Here comes the story.

So I went to Mr Price earlier today, looking for some boxes for packing my stuff to move out of the house. There was this one really nice and helpful worker named Greg whom I asked for the boxes from. He told me that they didnt have any empty box yet during that time and asked me to come again later that evening. 

So I did. I hopped into the Dunaras-NUIG bus which will drop me at the shop at 6.10 pm. The bus will make a route back (NUIG-Dunaras) and will pass the exact spot I hopped off at 6.20 pm. So I pretty much had only ten minutes to settle down the boxes thingy with Greg.

Bla bla bla. Boxes story settled. 
So I walked out of Mr Price in a rush, fearing the fact that I will miss the bus. And exactly, that was what pretty much happening. Or supposed to. But if I was destined to miss the bus this evening, I did 'change my destiny' and of course, like you seen in movies, when you change your destiny, something is needed for the pay-off. Teehee.

And this was what happened for the pay-off.
The bus stopped at the bus stand but I was too far away to catch it. So I ran. Yup. Typical Hanis Hafizah Haha, running for the bus. Forever and always. But I didnt make it. It speeds off. 

Apparently, the fate is my bestfriend. The bus stopped for the traffic light so I continued running with the crazy wind, my tudung terbang-terbang until at some point the wind blew my tudung all over my face I couldnt see at all 
and phewww! I made it into the bus.

Oh did I tell you I ran with huge boxes in my hands? Yup with all those boxes in the picture above. Yup. Imagine that. A fat chick running with huge boxes. How. Hilarious. =.='

As I hoped into the bus all panting and confusing, I was kinda blur on where to put my boxes, then another nice guy of the day came, carry all my boxes to the backseats of the bus. It was Eamonn, my classmate. He was in the bus of course, with Janisha le girlfriend and of course, they saw everything happened, every show I did. And for sure, everybody else in the bus saw what I did back then. Yup everybody except the bus driver, if he had seen me (running towards him) he should've wait for me. *cry*

So then after thanking Eamonn, I sat at the back with him and Janisha. And my boxes, of course. If you are a glasses person you know what will happen to your cold glasses once you body becomes hot (from all the running). Condensation will occur. And Eamonn, being the brotherly-annoying boy he has always been, said (with laugh of course), "Hey Haha, you have clouds on your glasses" which I replied "Yes I'm aware of it, a normal thing from all the running."

Eamonn: "Yup we saw that. Somebody said "Haha is running for the bus" and we shouted for the driver to stop the bus. And then we saw your hijab went crazy and covering your face and you were seen running without a face..hahahahahahahahaha"
Me: "Just, shut up." *embarrassing*

And he continued laughing. Until we reached Dunaras.

Being all gentleman (I dont think he did that just in front of Janisha, you know, trying hard on showing how macho you are in front of your girlfriend or something like that, teehee) Eamonn offered to carry my huge boxes down the bus.

And me, 
urmmmm I think I had not recovered from the running yet, nearly falling flat on the bus floor as I missed the bus step. I screamed a little and Janisha went like "Oh my, Haha are you alright". I knew them both were holding their laugh at my silliness, and in fact, I was holding back my laugh as well. Hahaha.

I hope all my friends in the bus at that time had a really good time laughing at me, which I dont mind at all. :) If I was happened to see me like that, I would have laughing really hard on myself too. 

It was too funny. Seeing a baby elephant running with huge boxes and the wind blows so hard the elephant's ears were flapping to its face. Now as I come to think of it, it was hilarious! Hahahaha. XD

This should be a really good thing to laugh at when I get older and wiser. LOL.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

It's Overrrrrrr

The summer exam is finally overrrrrr.!
Alhamdulillah I did my best, we did our best.

Of all the ink and the tears *wink*,
Bismillahi takaltu alaAllah. :)


Thank You

For always be there.
During ups and downs.
During laughs and frowns.

When I was about to lose faith in myself today.
Dan air mata pun tumpah lagi tadi.

For always be there.
For always believe in me.
When I am not trusting myself anymore.

Salihah Athirah. Jasmin Syuhada. Siti Nurzulaikha.
Thank you loves.

When family is away.
Friends, will always be around.
But only true friends can read your heart.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Lesson of the day; a simple word can makes everything (seems) better.

Instead of saying "Pass me the sauce." maybe you can say "Please pass me the sauce." or "Can you pass me the sauce, pretty please?". Because people will always love to help but never like to be dictated.

And remember, always appreciate. A simple "thank you" would be nice. And it is never wrong to say "thank you" when you haven't got the help yet like "Can you please help me cleaning the kitchen tonight? Thank you :)"

A note to self. And to all NUIG first meds, let's strive for our last battle tomorrow. Yosh! :)

Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir. :)


I was about to write something bad. Very bad.
Hatred. Or something like that.
But I delayed it. Solat Asar dulu.
Surprisingly, I cooled off.

Okay, not surprisingly.
Pernah dengar kan orang selalu kata, ustaz ustazah, kakak abang usrah selalu kata,
"Kalau marah, berwudhu'lah".


Tak jadi nak tulis buruk-buruk.
Orang yang baca (kalau ada) pun tak tumpang berdosa.

Just nak cakap kat sini,
Soroklah keburukan orang lain, dan Allah akan sorokkan keburukan awak.
Maybe awak tak perlu nak bagitahu semua orang (tak kiralah orang tu BFF awak 'till jannah' sekali pun) , kalau awak nampak keburukan orang tu tak perlu nak dicanang.

Lebih-lebih lagi kalau orang tu tak sedar pun, or even worse, orang tu tak boleh nak ubah kekurangan dia.

Contoh paling senang, room-mate awak (perempuan, tapi) tidur terkangkang.
Tak perlu bagitau semua orang room mate awak tu tidur terkangkang.
Padahal dia tak sedar pun yang dia tidur terkangkang.
Kalau dia sedar, mestilah dia tak nak tidur terkangkang.

Awak dah menjatuhkan maruah dia dalam tak sedar (assuming awak tak sedarlah).

Paling teruk sekali, mengata fizikal orang, and like I said before
Mengata orang tu pendek, hitam, hodoh, macam awak tu elok sangat.

Macam hati awak tu cantik sangat.

Ayat cliche, Allah dah jadikan semua orang tu cantiknya lain-lain.

Orang yang awak kata tu mungkin nampak cool je kena kutuk.
Buat muka "aku relax je bro".
Tapi dalam hati dia awak tahu ke?

Saya dah biasa kena saya tahu lah.
Dari kecik sampai besar orang tegur fizikal saya yang besar ni.
Habis tu saya mampu buat apa?
Awak ingat saya makan 24 jam je kerja ye?
Awak ingat saya tak usaha jaga diet?
Awak ingat saya tak usaha exercise, pergi gym bla bla bla?
Awak ingat saya tak sedih ke? Tapi saya dah buat macam-macam kalau dah pengakhirannya takde apa-apa, saya nak buat apa?
Saya cuma mampu redha. Dan tampal senyum plastik kat muka bila orang kata "Eh Hanis kau ni tak kurus-kurus lagi ye dari tadika dulu?"

Itu konteks gemuk. Mungkin saya boleh usaha lebih lebih lebih lagi baru mungkin saya boleh capai target "cantik" awak tu.

Tapi kalau orang tu rendah sikit, kulit gelap sikit, awak nak suruh dia buat apa?
Buat operation panjangkan tulang kaki?
Sabun badan dengan bleacher?

Awak tak berfikir.
Awak rasa seronok je mengata keburukan orang.
Padahal kekurangan awak sendiri, awak tak sedar pun.
Tak bersyukur ke, Allah masih nak sorok kekurangan awak. Tapi awak?

A Walk to The University.

Just a quickie.

Wanna share some pictures I captured on my way to the university today.
*Ehem. Am blogging with university's PC right now, excuse me :P*

Spring is totally awesome.
Yeah we still need to bear with the daily rains and winds *wink* but when the sun shines, 

Oh did I mention I slept at Highfield Park last night?
Too much distractions in Dunaras Village. That explains. Haha.

Cherry Blossoms aka the pink tree. My obsession this season. :)

My favorite mini garden (with cherry blossoms now). :)

Highfield Park iloveyou :)

Tulips! Cry now.

The pink tree with an abandoned building. :O

My favorite route to school. The trees change color every season. Will be greener this summer I guess. They were all yellow then orange last autumn and botak all the way during winter. Haha.

Should get back to study now.
Last paper tomorrow.
Behold, the toughest of all.
Study YOSH!! *word of the semester*

I wonder why the school call this final: "Summer Exams" when we are still in spring. =.=

Sunday, 21 April 2013


A simple thank you would be nice.

Thank you.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Exam Fever!

You know exam fever is started in NUI Galway when:
1) First year medical students sit for their first paper
2) There is no enough seat in James Hardiman's Library and the Reading Room, the school has to open a huge number of lecture halls and classes for student to do self study.

Yep. This is the time of the year when, once you find a desk in the library or the reading room, you will never leave except to do some businesses in le toilet and to eat hehee (and of course Muslims, dont forget to perform your pray).


Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Regarding my post before, malu lah pulak. Rasa macam tulis my heart out je. LOLOLOLOL.

Takpe lah Haha. Nanti insyaAllah dah tua boleh baca balik. Haha. Kalau sempat tua.

New Friend

Aizat came to Galway yesterday. Yup, Aizat my best friend. Finally sampai jugak ke Galway. Tapi datang mengejut. All this while geram betul dengan Aizat sebab he visited other FAR AND EXPENSIVE places like Turkey and Amsterdam tapi Galway yang tiga jam from Cork ni, tak sudi nak datang pun. Haha.

Dah la datang sekejap je. Pastu bagi short notice. Padahal orang dah cakap banyak kali before this, kalau nak datang bagitau awal2 boleh prepare nak masak ke apa ke. Heeeee semalam dah kena bebel dah dia. Haha. Kesian.

Kena lah jumpa walaupun sekejap!! Dah la tetamu, my besto pulak tu. *Eventho he wasnt coming here for me peduli apa hahaha* Perlu jumpa untuk catch up stories and blablabla.

Yada yada yada yada.

Eventually Aizat datang dengan Aisya Amira (Bit) and his friend (whom I didnt know before) Ridhwah. Okay to be honest, I was quite embarrassing to keep writing what I'm gonna write after this. But for the sake of keeping the memories *ecewahh* I'll go on. *wink*

Ridhwah. I remember this one time I asked Ami (Syaza Nur Amirah) "How's Aizat?" -they are both classmates in Cork- "Oh, Aizat dah ada best friend baru sekarang, ____________(insert name here, I forgot the name Ami mentioned)". And I was like, "Oh, yeke." *Buat muka biasa*

Tapi dalam hati, I dont know why, ada rasa sedih sikit. I taught "Aizat ada kawan baru sekarang, he'll tell her everything, and he'll do everything with her, and he'll slowly forget me and our friendship." *sila baca dalam nada pasrah*

I think I was being childish. Just pure childish. That kind of childish yang masa sekolah rendah dulu ada BFF pastu tiba2 BFF kita rapat dengan orang lain pergi kantin sama-sama and kita tak nak kawan dengan orang lain tu sebab orang lain tu rampas BFF kita. That kind of childish thing, that kind of childish feeling. Hahaha. Today I am laughing at my own very twenty year old (during that time I asked Ami) self. Pfft.

And yesterday when Aizat told me he's coming with Bit and Ridhwah (whom I didnt know before) I was thinking, "Ohh maybe she's the one yang Ami cakap tu, there I told you, they are going everywhere together now". See? I was being childish again! Haha.

Aizat: Diorang teringin nak makan Mr Waffle esok, jom?
Me: Kau teringin tak? Kalau diorang teringin, diorang pergilah.

Part of me was hoping that Aizat didnt want to go to Mr Waffle so I dont have to meet his new friend Ridhwah and we can go chilling anywhere else. Takdir Allah, in the end kena jumpa face to face dengan Ridhwah jugak. At Mr Waffle.

What can I say, she is not as what I expected. *I have this kind of attitude I am so sorry. I even feel sorry for myself. T___T* The moment my eyes laid on her, everything changed. "Hai. I'm Iwa." *dia lambai sambil senyum*

She's cute. And the most important thing is, she is very very very very nice. No wonder Aizat boleh mingle dengan Iwa. She's very warm. And humble, and baik sangat. We were getting very well towards each other.

Alright, I think I get along with people very well, eventho I just know them. I mean I can and I will try my best to fit in so that there will be no awkward moment. But the case is different with Iwa. At first I thought I will never get along with her (sekolah-rendah-BFF-kena-rampas remember? hahaha) but eventually it turned out very very very differently. 180 degree. First time jumpa boleh terus get along, betul-betul ikhlas dari hati takde main2 fake feeling ke apa.

Ya Allah, rasa berdosa sangat. Sebab ada that kind of feeling. I was being unfair to Aizat, and more important to the innocent Iwa.

Iwa, if you are reading this, Haha mintak maaf sangat. And truly, you are really a very nice person. I feel so blessed to know you today, eventho kita boleh jumpa and sembang sekejap je. Sorry for the things I've done, and for the things I said, or for the thoughts I had. I really hope to see you again next time. Please dont be mad at me, if you are reading this. I am truly sorry and i am sincerely want to be your friend. :) Do come here again, I will cook something for you insyaAllah.

So yeah, I said it. I wrote it. And I'm gonna post it. Now you see the other side of me. Yup I am being perfectly imperfect. Dont judge. Okay, judge if you want. I dont even care. The thing is, I am being honest with myself. I made a mistake and I am not afraid to admit it. I'm not afraiddd *tune in Eminem okay apehal tibe2*

Aizat tak makan sayur. Iwa pun tak makan sayur. I hereby approve if you two want to have something "more than friend" hikhikhik. Just do remember to tell me and, jaga batas, boleh pandang-pandang jangan pegang-pegang lol. If you really want it, do it the right way. :)


Bit, Iwa, and me. At NUI Galway main building, The Quadrangle. (I'm getting chubbier yes I am aware of that. Dont blame me, its study and exam week I am so depressed I cant stop munching, lol)

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Perihal Tandas Awam.

Setiap kali keluar rumah, perasan tak, kita mesti akan cari tandas awam. Tak kiralah tandas shopping mall, tandas stesen minyak, tandas bayar, tandas free, hatta tumpang tandas KFC TAPI TAK BELI. Eh ter caps lock pula. Haha. Nature orang Malaysia, khususnya Muslim, kalau pergi tandas, kena make sure ada paip air, barulah boleh ber-bisnes dengan selesa. Kan? Lepas tu, paling suka kalau jumpa tandas (free) yang serba moden, wangi, cantik berkilat, ada make up booth, siap ada sofa haa, tapi paling benci kalau tandas cantik tapi takde paip air, betul tak? Hahaa.

Saya nak ceritalah sikit pengalaman saya dengan tandas ni. Saya setuju sangat dengan apa yang saya sendiri tulis kat atas tu. (Eh, apebende aku ni?).

Bermula dari masa nak pergi Ireland dari Malaysia hari tu, (first time pergi obersi, sila bagi can) barulah saya jumpa dengan cabaran tandas takde paip air dengan sebenar-benarnya. Kiranya dah dekat tujuh bulan lah masuk toilet yang ada toilet bowl dengan tissue roll je. Tissue roll pun kadang2 takde, habis. Naya betul. Haha. Toilet bowl pula, memang takde lah yang cangkung tu. Disebabkan takde paip air dalam tandas, boleh lah ye masing2 bayangkan apa jadi kalau flush rosak. Hahaaaa meraung. Lagi satu, selalu je jumpa tandas awam unisex. Bayar 30 sen, masuk, beraturlah lelaki campur perempuan.  Biasanya ada dekat stesen bas atau stesen kereta api.

Yang tak bestnya bila takde paip air ni, kita rasa macam semua orang yang kat luar tu dengar je semua jenis bisnes apa yang kita tengah buat kat dalam tu. Geli pulak rasanya tulis benda2 macam ni. Eh. Haha. Tapi benda yang betul kan? Memanglah dulu belajar dalam Feqah kat kafa, istinjak tu tak semestinya guna air, boleh guna kertas, tisu, waima batu. Tengok, betapa Islam ni memudahkan. Dalam bab menyucikan diri pun tak terkecuali. Gituu. Tapi agaknya sebab dah biasa dari kecil, nak menyucikan diri tu, bila guna air (secukupnya) barulah rasa bersih. Sebab tu rasa resah gelisah je kalau masuk toilet takde paip air.

Solution nya, ramai yang bawa botol kosong ke mana-mana. Supaya senang kalau nak ke tandas. Sumbat je dalam handbag. Bila nak ke tandas, isi air sinki ke dalam botol, guna lah air dengan bahagianya. Ada juga yang terlupa bawa botol sendiri atas tersengaja lupa, masa dah kritikal tu mulalah tanya semua orang, "Eh kau ada bawak botol toilet tak? Nak pinjam" Hahaaa. Eh macam cakap kat diri sendiri.

Okay. Dilema. Nak bawak botol besar, semak dalam beg. Nak bawa botol kecik sangat, takut nanti tak cukup. Lepas tu saya terjumpa satu botol ni. Bukan lah botol tapi fungsinya sama. Yang bestnya, boleh dileperkan, digulung, bla bla bla tanpa menyemakkan beg anda, semua saiz beg pun boleh masuk. Kecuali beg duit. Eh tapi kalau gulung botol kecik2 lagi mungkin boleh masuk beg duit juga. Cari di Euro Giant je (kedai 2 ringgit versi ireland), harganya 1 euro kalau tak silap.

Untunglah, dekat Ireland ada Euro Giant~

Mesti ada yang nak cakap macam ni. Haha. Kalau di Malaysia mungkin boleh cuba cari di kedai2 dua ringgit atau Daiso. Rasanya ada insyaAllah.

Saya rasa lah kan, benda ni applicable je untuk semua orang. Tak semestinya untuk orang yang nak ke luar negara je. Sebab sekarang ni kat Malaysia pun  makin banyak je tandas awam yang tak ada kepala paip, kalau nak air kena tekan butang pastu dia pancutkan air dari mana2 entah. Sengsara betul. Penyelesaiannya, bawalah botol boleh gulung ke mana2 sahaja. Letak dalam beg, dia takkan mengganggu hidup anda.

Minah saleh pun ada je yang masuk tandas awam bawa botol kosong. Siapa kata orang putih weewee tak cuci pakai air? ;)

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Rahasia Saya yang Jiwa-Jiwa.

Saya nak bagitahu satu rahsia. Mungkin bukan rahsia lagi. Saya rasa dah ramai yang tahu fakta ini. Perempuan secara umumnya (mungkin bukan semua) paling suka kalau jejaka mereka pandai menyanyi. Pandai main gitar? Satu bonus. Kenapa? Sebab perempuan ini jiwanya halus dan lembut. Dalam kata lainnya, berjiwa romantik. Dalam kata lainnya, jiwang. Mereka suka kalau jejaka mereka ada suara yang sedap, boleh menyanyikan isi hati mereka, sing his heart out kata orang putih. Romantik, gitu. Amboi, siapa yang tak terbuai hati kalau ada jejaka (kacak atau tidak belakang kira) menyanyikan lagu jiwa-jiwa khusus untuk kita seorang sahaja. Masa itu, satu populasi rama-rama main kejar-kejar dalam perut. Semua boleh bayangkan rasa itu?
Tapi bagi saya, ehem, kalau suara awak tak sedap pun tak apa. Awak tak pandai menyanyi pun tak apa. Awak tak menyanyi untuk saya pun tak apa. Cukuplah awak pandai mengaji, insyaAllah kita boleh tadarus sama-sama. Manis, gitu. Lagi satu, ehem, saya nak bagitau satu lagi rahsia. Ini rahsia saya, lepas ini bukan rahsia lagi, kalau awak dah baca entri ini. Saya paling lemah bila dengar orang berzikir dan berselawat. Secara langsung, ya?! Kalau dengar melalui radio atau laman youtube, feelingnya kurang sedikit. Kalau dengan secara langsung tu, aduh boleh tersentuh hati, berderai jantung. (Saya nak kata bergetar hati tapi geli pula. Mungkin hati saya bergetar sebab duduk sebelah speaker. Sound vibration kata orang fizik.) Kalau dilayan jiwa dan rasa itu, boleh menitis air mata. Sebab saya rasa dekat sangat dengan Pencipta. Besar betul pahala orang-orang yang berzikir itu.
Dan saya rasa, semua orang insyaAllah boleh melafazkan zikir. Sebab tu saya kata, awak tak semestinya kena ada suara yang sedap. Tapi kalau awak suka rela nak menyanyi untuk saya, kecik tapak tangan, Dataran Merdeka saya tadahkan. Eh.
Tengah-tengah malam macam ini, datanglah geli-geli jiwang saya. Kali ini, jiwang islamik. Janganlah sampai orang menyampah pula, contohnya: "Ana lah tulang rusuk anta yang hilang itu."
Ewah-ewah gediknya Hanis Hafizah. Maafkan saya. Hanis Hafizah terlebih makan coklat malam ini. Hanis Hafizah patut tidur sekarang.
Dah baca Al-Mulk malam ini? :)
Sudahlah Abam Orlando Bloom, jomlah kita pergi mengaji.

One lovely evening.

One lovely evening. I mean the weather. So I sat at my study desk. As you can see, my study desk is 'attached' to one massive window which I loved so much as I can see whats happening outside. So I sat at my study desk, reading. Just then I heard one loud happy tune coming from the apartment across the road. So I looked up. Yes, the ice cream van. Apparently, I was not the only one who heard that tune. Two girls in hot pink leggings (how barbie-like-girlish) were so happy for that tune (I can tell from the way they ran). Unfortunately the happiness only lasted for two seconds as the driver just drove away, maybe he didnt see the two girls running towards the van he was in. And the girls were so shocked they missed the ice cream van, they stood there blankly for five minutes. And I was at my study desk, watching with mixed feelings. Cuteness, funny, and pity all at the same time.

Then I looked down again, seeing my reading on renal anatomy has not move a bit, I feel pity and sad for myself. Blame the window for being one big fat distraction?

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Vicky 21

Happy 21st Birthday to m'lady Fahima Femm Victoria Rosli.
I wish Cork is ten minutes away. Sobs.

Unlike last year, today I remember your birthday. Teehee.

Go on, Victoria. Keep being that one awesome friend, daughter, sister, muslimah, doctor wannabe, directioner (lol) that we all know.

You know I love you. *hugs*

Saturday, 12 January 2013


Hi everyone! Assalamualaikum. I am mobile-blogging right now which means this entry was posted via my tablet. Wahhhhh cool kan? Baru tahu boleh mobile-blogging. Noob nya saya. Haha. T.T

This application can be downloaded from Google Play (Android) or the Apps Store (iPhone)
Link here

Thanks me later. ;)

Thursday, 10 January 2013


huiyooo meremang bulu tengkuk
lagu-lagu Emak Ayah ni

AG Coco pun dah sama hebat dengan otai-otai ni
tabik spring

Monday, 7 January 2013

Told Ya

2 reasons why winter sucks.

"2 reasons why winter sucks" -source

See? Exactly what I have said. =P

1.2/2013; New Year, New Semester

Assalamualaikum all. :) Ya Allah. It has been FOREVER since I last posted here. For those who have been wondering (ehhh ada kah?) where on earth was HahaTomatoBlast for these past six-seven months, well right on this very second I am typing this post on my desk in my room in Dunaras Village, my hostel in Galway, Ireland. Yes, Ireland. Alhamdulillah, finally. :')  Allah made my dream comes true. :)

In fact, I have been studying here for almost four months now and today I start my second semester of the year. :) Okay truthfully, I do feel quite guilty for not updating, abandoning my blog and forgetting the little world I built here. I know I should keep on writing no matter what happened so that I can restore these memories and read it when I got older. Sounds corny, eh? ;)

So I made up my mind; I should write here, a few times in a month (at least) regardless the fact that not everybody is reading blogs anymore nowadays. I should tell my self that I write not for them to be pleased but for ME myself. :)
Mushy. Haha.

Oh yes, I did mentioned that today is my first day in 1MB7 1.2 right? Hahaha whuuuuttttisthattt 1MB7 1.2..!? In Layman's term (ecewahh) it is simply described as "First Year Medical Student, Second Semester". First day of the year masuk sekolah. Ha.Ha.Ha. After three weeks of winter break, yes only three weeks but STILL, cuti, means no class no textbook no whatnot, i think you got the feeling aite? *cough*

The day started as early as it can possibly be, Medical Professionalism (macam belajar sivik) lecture at 8am. Tell you what, naik bas pagi-pagi feels like nak naik bas balik raya kat kampung tengah malam buta. LOL Subuh starts at 6.41am and ends at 8.49am, so you got the idea on how gelap the world outside kan? Haha.

I need to stay at the uni until 5pm (mind you, Maghrib starts at 4.37pm which means I walked out of the house masa gelap and got back home bila dah gelap. Huhuu, this is winter eberybadehhh) okay sambung balik; I need to stay at the uni until 5pm as I need to attend my first SSM meeting. SSM stands for Special Study Modules in which the student got the opportunity to learn in depth on whatever medical field that he might be interested in. In my case, my SSM is Cardiovascular Medical Device. I am practically so excited, people who know me must be aware how much I love cardiology, heheee. And for start, we need to make a presentation about pacemaker this Thursday, and then we'll be going on with meeting patients. YES, real patient. OMG cuaknya cuaknyaaaa. On the very first day of school pun dah cuak habis dah ni, takde masa nak warm up warm up dah. =.=''

I think this should be enough, for now. Panjang pulak mak nenek ni membebel. See you in the next post. Till then, jangan nakal-nakal, assalamualaikum. :)

lenguh ni angkat upper limb tinggi-tinggi, hipster betul =..=

Aim for next post(s)
- winter break tour; Galway-Edinburgh-London
- what I love about Galway
- anything I feel like pointing out?
Niat dah ada, kena cuba laksanakan. :)